Educational management refers to the theory and practice of general management, applied to the education system and
process, school organizations and student classes. However, given the aims of the education system, the complexity of
the educational process, the variety and extent of resources involved and the specificity of the final product which is not
concrete and tangible, educational management has a special specificity, highlighted mainly by what theorists call the
human component of process and places it at the center and base of the educational company. It includes a set of
principles and functions, rules and methods of management that ensure the achievement of the objectives of the
education system (as a whole or at the level of components), at the highest possible standards of quality and efficiency.
Promoting training programs, reintegrating adults into vocational education and training through "second chance"
programs, as well as extending apprenticeships and other on-the-job training systems are measures that have the
potential to bring about change. National strategic objectives in vocational education and training to provide counseling
services for all students in the pre-university education system, to strengthen key competences, as well as to promote
and reward excellence in initial vocational education and training make vocational and technical education to be
considered a first choice.