The economic activity of the state, regardless of the social and political order of the state, is one of the main links of
existence and functioning of the state. It is in the conduct of external economic relations that the main financial sources
of the state are rotated. Article 126 of the Constitution, characterizing the economy of the Republic of Moldova as a
market economy, considers the national economy, in the same regulatory context, it is stated that the state must ensure,
among others: freedom of trade and entrepreneurship; protection of fair competition; creating a favorable framework for
capitalizing on all factors of production; protection of national interests in economic, financial and foreign exchange
activity, etc. For these reasons, it is absolutely necessary to create in this field the legal mechanism for regulating these
relations, which does not affect external economic relations, does not affect the economic potential of the state, does not
tarnish the image of the state in the world arena, etc. This article is the evidence of particularities, specific features in
the field of economic crimes, assigned to the State Tax Service, given that in this criminal sector, the administration of
evidence involves certain specific coordinates that are not found in the investigation of other crimes. The evolution of
the criminal legislation that provides for criminal liability for economic crimes is inextricably linked and conditioned by
the history of our state.