This paper refers to the research of the acces needs of funds for university projects and involvement of project team
members. The research aimed at: Evaluating and analyzing from a quantitative point of view the links that characterize
the relationship between the needs of accessing project finance and the involvement of project team members, who are
also employees of the university. The study consisted in applying an investigation method based on the questionnaire
instrument that was designed in the original way regarding aspects such as: Identification of human resources – general
characteristics of the project team members as respondents; Types of projects accessed in higher education institutions;
Motivation and ways of accessing projects by universities; Expected results. The results of the researchers are
concretized in establishing the premises of the role of human resources of the university projects in accessing the funds
for their financing. The essence of the analyzes performed consists in conceptualizing the problem of obtaining the
financial resources necessary to carry out the projects and awareness of training and development of the human resource