The study aimed to analyze the epidemiological situation regarding rabies in the Republic of Moldova from 2010 to 2020. The obtained
results showed that in the Republic of Moldova rabies evolves endemic, and the annual number of rabies cases in animals has dragging
variations with value reaching incidences from 58 cases (2011) to 167 cases (2015), being characterized with successive waves of
increasing the number of sick animals with a periodicity of 2 to 3 years. The presented data also showed a correlation of the increase
of the number of rabies cases in domestic animals in accordance with the number of cases of rabies in wildlife (in foxes). The highest
share of rabies in animals was recorded in foxes; these animals are being considered the main factor in the spread of the disease. The
annually incidence of rabies in foxes ranged from 14 to 32 sick animals as confirmed by laboratory investigations, which represented
from 15.4% to 23.2% of the total number of confirmed rabies annually. The measures that have been taken to prevent rabies in animals
at national level do not ensure the definitive elimination of rabies. Therefore, a broader analysis of all the factors that maintain the
infection both in wild species as well as domestic animals has to be performed, in order to take concrete actions and measures that
would lead to the eradication of disease cases. Meanwhile, it is crucial to continue applying the general sanitary veterinary measures
that focused on providing immunological coverage to all domestic carnivores as well as to the wild fauna where foxes represent the
main vector of spreading rabies.