dc.description.abstract |
This study aims at monitoring the dynamics of the occurrence and evolution of the attack of some pathogenic agents to Romanian wheat variety, Pitar. Among these, we mention: Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici (sin. Puccinia triticina) which produces wheat’s brown rust and Septoria spp. which produces wheat’s brown leaf spotting (septoriosis). Also, the influence of applying these fungicides on the harvest, as compared to the untreated control variant, was monitored. One experiment with 7 variants (6 variants with phytosanitary treatment, plus one control variant not treated) was taken into consideration for this study, for which the following phytosanitary products were used, as follows: FALCON PRO (prothioconazole 53 g/l + tebuconazole 148 g/l + spiroxamine 224 g/l), MYSTIC 250 EC (tebuconazole 250 g/l) and CAPALO (fenpropimorph 200g/l, epoxiconazole 62.5 g/l, metraphenon 75g/l). The treatment variants were the following: V1 - MYSTIC 250 EC 0.5 L/HA, 1 treatment applied at spike’s releasing (17.05.2019); V2 - MYSTIC 250 EC 0.5 L/HA, 1 treatment applied at straw’s extension (27.04.2019) + 1 treatment applied at kernel’s filling (8.06.2019), V3 - FALCON PRO 0.6 L/HA, 1 treatment applied at spike’s releasing (17.05.2019), V4 - FALCON PRO 0.6 L/HA, 1 treatment applied at straw’s extension (27.04.2019) + 1 treatment applied at kernel’s filling (8.06.2019), V5 - CAPALO 1.0 L/HA, 1 treatment applied at spike’s releasing (17.05.2019), V6 - CAPALO 1.0 L/HA, 1 treatment applied at straw’s extension, (27.04.2019) + 1 treatment applied at kernel’s filling (8.06.2019), V7 - Untreated control
variant. The experiment was placed in Latin square, the 7 variants being placed in 7 repetitions. Among the pathogenic agents under monitoring, Puccinia recondita f.sp. tritici fungus producing the brown rust had produced the greatest attacks. The attack of the fungi from Septoria sp. variety producing leaf’s brown rust (septoriosis) and from Blumeria
(Erysiphe) variety, producing wheat’s mildew, was rare. The first two leaves placed under the spike had been analyzed for the above. These observations had led to the conclusion that for all 6 treatment variants, the degree of attack (D.A. %) of Puccinia recondita f.sp. tritici fungus was more reduced than at the untreated control variant. The harvests of the
treated variants were as follows: (V1 – 6989 kg/ha, V2 - 6688 kg/ha, V3 - 6536 kg/ha, V4 - 6828 kg/ha, V5 - 6875 kg/ha, V6 - 6582 kg/ha and V7 (control variant not treated) - 6301 kg/ha. |
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