The aim of this study is the survey of current anesthesia cases and outcomes for dogs and cats in the University Veterinary
Hospital Professor Alin Bîrțoiu, Bucharest, during 12 months, in order to improve anesthesia safety and education.
Electronic medical records for patients were examined and 944 cases of dogs and cats that underwent general anesthesia
(including sedation) assigned for ASA I-V risk classes, including emergencies were selected. The total mortality rates
considered anesthetic-related death in dogs and cats (deaths in the first 48 hours attributable to anesthesia) were
respectively 0.29% for dogs and 0.76 % for cats. The species, rase, sex and age structure of the case log were analyzed
according to the type of the technique (injectable 12% or inhalation 88%). All the cases were preanesthetic evaluated and
monitored during anesthesia and recovery.