The aim of this study was to determine digestibility in the B.A.R.F (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) diet. The study
was performed on a number of 5 dogs, from which fecal samples and a sample of their ration were collected over a period
of 5 days. Some of the reasons for owners to choose this diet were: longer and healthier life, lack of dental tartar, no smell
of the oral cavity, the appearance of fur, solving dermatological problems, lower fecal volume and lower defecation
frequency, more energy and less expensive. One of the benefits of the BARF diet is the reduced volume of feces, due to
optimal digestion and high absorption. Once one makes the switch to the BARF diet one will notice that their pet will
defecate less and its consistency will be compact, dark in color. Exceptions occur when the diet is not properly balanced.
Following the determination of the digestibility of the BARF diet in dogs, we obtained high values especially for protein
(96.55%) and fat (99%). The value obtained for mineral substances of organic origin was also high (54%). We consider
that the high digestibility is due to a very good adaptation of the digestive tract to the natural ingredients used in the diet.