ALSERepository of Iași University of Life Sciences, ROMANIA

A statistical analysis of wind speed data from a specific site in order of optimal operating of wind turbines

Show simple item record Spiridonică, Alexandru-Mihnea Iftime, Cornel 2022-11-10T12:22:15Z 2022-11-10T12:22:15Z 2012
dc.identifier.citation Spiridonică, Alexandru-Mihnea, Cornel Iftime. 2012. "A statistical analysis of wind speed data from a specific site in order of optimal operating of wind turbines". Lucrări Ştiinţifice USAMV - Iaşi Seria Agronomie 55(S): 77-80.
dc.description.abstract The surprising evolution from the last decade in the area of renewable energy has triggered the emergence of the new technical challenges for both the power system operators and for the project developers of this area. One of this challenges refer to the analysis, from the statistical view, of the wind parameters (speed, direction, frequency, amplitude) on relevant time intervals. A detailed analysis of the wind speed values recorded in a specific site leads to the generation of results that can lead to the determination of optimal values for the electric power generated at each time point by the wind turbine located in that area. Very important is the identification of sign changes and hence the time intervals during which the wind turbine does not work because these has a major importance in the stage of initial estimation of power energy generated and also for the estimation of average lifetime of a wind turbine on a specific site with various variation regimes of wind speed. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iaşi en_US
dc.subject wind turbine en_US
dc.subject wind speed en_US
dc.subject power systems en_US
dc.subject roughness coefficient en_US
dc.title A statistical analysis of wind speed data from a specific site in order of optimal operating of wind turbines en_US
dc.type Article en_US Alexandru-Mihnea Spiridonică, Cornel Iftime, ”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
dc.publicationName Lucrări Ştiinţifice USAMV - Iaşi Seria Agronomie
dc.volume 55
dc.issue Supliment
dc.publicationDate 2012
dc.startingPage 77
dc.endingPage 80
dc.identifier.eissn 2069-6727

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