The research approaches the identification of factors generating non-farm economic performance in Romanian
agricultural holdings. Based on evidences from field studies on equipping farms with productive capital goods, presents
results obtained by applying a model of computation and analysis for the evaluation of farm capitalization – a
determinant of the economic viability of farms, with sustainable contributions to competitiveness increase in the
agricultural sector. The model allowed the evaluation of the initial and real cost of mechanical means used in the sample
farms owned farms, an estimated replacement value of machinery obtained by calculating the value of depreciation and
the present cost of agricultural machines, representing the average value of net investment and the average quantum by
types of agricultural mechanical equipment and by farms. Clustering method was applied on the statistical indicators
corresponding to the sample farms, according to the considered selection criterion. The article presents the results of
data processing, calculations and analyses that reveal assessments on the studied farms, by regional profile and by
holding’s legal status (legal or natural person).