Catering undertakes, by size and its characteristics, an important work load. Achieving economic and social functions is
directly related to available material and human resources. The defining role of human resources is dependent on
meeting the needs of consumers, on the one hand, economic performance and efficiency, on the other. An important
role in achieving the tasks assigned to the food sector is the preparation and structure of staff recruited and trained to
perform operations of making dishes and serving consumers. Staff selection must be made so as to meet present and
future requirements for each function, to ensure human adaptation to his work, his job. In "Bolta rece" restaurant, the
main skills required by managers are: physical and sensory skills (physical harmonious constitution, speed reaction,
agility and motor skills, visual acuity and color); intellectual ability (good observation, demonstrating initiative, clearly
in thinking, good memory, ability to think rationally, specific, fast, rich language, coherent, convincing) professional
skills (general knowledge). Rezumatul redactat în limba engleză (10-15 rânduri, cu referire expresă la rezultatele