Crop structure is a component of the agricultural production. Intensive production structure can be characterized by a
higher share of production in gross added value (example: 62.0% - in Germany, 50.9% - in France, etc.) or extensive,
practiced, usually in cereal or small farms. The areas share of main crops in the structure of arable land has changed
considerably, so that, at the country level, the share exceeded 64% of cereal grains, having a negative effect on the
achievement of rational rotations and maximum weight in rotation, in many cases by setting up monoculture, with
consequences for decreasing the productive power of soil and yields. Therefore, to ensure economic efficiency in crop
production, crop structure optimization is necessary, to combine food safety, increasing the size of farms and their
profitability. The authors have proposed using a case study to demonstrate that through optimal crop structure, among
other technological factors, of advanced management and marketing, can provide a high level of overall economic
efficiency, especially in vegetal production.