This study presents the evolution in time of the chromatic parameters (L, a, b, C,
H0) over 24 months, as well as the variation of total phenolic compounds (anthocyans) and the
variation of the main colour characteristics (intensity and shade), correlated to the
corresponding pH changes. Twelve red wines from four grape varieties (Cabernet Sauvignon,
Merlot, Fetească neagră and Băbească neagră), cultivated in the Dealu Bujorului vineyard,
Galati County, obtained by classical fermentation, rototanks and thermo-maceration, were
studied. The wines were obtained in October 2005 at the pilot research station and were
analysed in the same month, November, of the years 2005, 2006 and 2007. The analyses have
shown a variation in time of the studied parameters, depending on the oenological potential of
each variety and used technology. A change in this value was noticed mainly as a decrease of
the total phenolic compounds (anthocyans), correlated especially to the variation of the pH
values. Data concerning the chromatic parameters of each wine allowed an objective
appreciation of the red young wines colour and of their evolution in time (during 2 years).