Lawns are established with perennial grass species and varieties mixed in different proportions, to create various types
of turfgrass mixtures that meet certain requirements of utilisation or can adapt to specific climatic conditions such as
excessive drought or strong shading. In our study were analyzed the nitrogen content in plant tissue and visual quality
of three different turf mixtures under the influence of differentiated fertilization and the pedoclimatic conditions in the
NE region of Romania. The first mixture (M1) was composed of Festuca arundinacea 80% + Lolium perenne 10% +
Poa pratensis 10%. The second mixture (M2) consisted of three varieties of Lolium perenne mixed in equal
proportions. The third mixture (M3) was composed of Festuca rubra 60% + Lolium perenne 20% + Festuca ovina
duriusculla 10% + Poa pratensis 10%. Three types of fertilizers were applied: ammonium nitrate, a complex fertilizer
with nitrogen and phosphorus and a commercial lawn fertilizer with macro and micronutrients. The experimental design
was a split plot design with three replicates. Mixtures reacted positively to all three types of fertilizers. The highest
nitrogen content was registered at the mixture M2 (2.33% nitrogen in DM). Considering the fertilizer used, the highest
nitrogen content was determined at the fertilization with ammonium nitrate (2.32% nitrogen in DM) and the lowest
concentration was registered at the control plot where fertilization was not applied (2.09% nitrogen in DM). Statistical
interpretation of the data was done by analyzes of variance and limit differences.