The purpose of this paper is to present data on the composition characteristics of quality white wines can be obtained
from vine varieties commonly planted in Avereşti vine growing centre of Huşi vineyard in the new climate conditions
in recent years due to global warming, that increase the amount of useful temperatures during the growing season and in
the maturation of the grapes. In order to obtain wines were used Zghihară, Feteascǎ regală, Aligoté and Fetească albă
grape varieties. Experiments were performed on 10 white wines produced in industrial conditions in the plant of S.C.
Vinicola Avereşti 2000 S.A. Huşi. During the ripening of the grapes of 2011 weather conditions were favourable for
sugars accumulations, which are sufficient to obtain quality dry, semidry and sweet white wines with designation of
origin. The paper presents data of the pH value of wines based on the total acidity dependent to the tartaric, malic, citric
acid, volatile acids and content of potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium cations. In all analyzed wines is
observed, in general, a low pH, these showing values between 3.070 and 3.222 in dry wines, and between 3.122 and
3.261 for those with residual sugar. Low values in the tartaric acid content (between 1.52 and 1.77 g/L), potassium
cations (between 368 and 426 mg/L) and calcium (between 48 and 58 mg/L) at all analyzed wines, can be explained too
by tartaric deposits resulting from their retention period during the 2011-2012 winter when temperatures were very low
compared to the same periods in previous years. Nonreducing extract values (between 18.26 and 21.07 g/L), in
correlation with alcohol concentration values (between 11.01 and 12.05 % vol.), allowed the classification of all
reviewed wines in the high quality white wines category with controlled denomination of origin (DOC).