The knowledge of sweet
cherry resistance to deformation was
important for a good choice of means and
methods of packing, storage and
transportation of fresh fruits for
consumption, both on internal market and
for exportation. In this paper, the authors
have shown the results of some
determinations on fruit deformation, carried
out on seven sweet cherry varieties
(Cetăţuia, Cătălina, Maria, Golia, Ştefan,
Bucium and Tereza), harvested at three
maturation stages: before ripening (10 days
before ripening), almost ripe (five days
before maturity) and at maturity. We have
recorded the fruit resistance to deformation
at a weight below 500 g, using an original
device made by the Fruit Growing Research
and Development Station of Iaşi. This
mechanical device can be used for
measuring the resistance to deformation of
the fruit belonging to some fruit species or
of grapes. The fruit deformation was
determined for a certain weight (in our
determinations, below the weight of 500 g).
By comparing the varieties between them,
we found that Maria and Bucium varieties
were the most resistant to deformation, at all
the three harvest stages, significant
differences being found, compared to the
other varieties. We have used these
determinations for the statistical calculation
by the analysis of variance for bifactorial
trials, in order to establish the most resistant
varieties to fruit deformation at different
harvest stages.