From all meteorological factors, first were studied effect of temperature and humidity, because these factors influence
the breeding intensity and further development of the insect. An analysis of climatic fluctuations in Suceava, suggests
that the winters in a certain extent have warmed, the precipitation quantities from the cold season and summer
temperatures have increased considerably, which makes the insect development and biology to default other facets to
years of occurrence in the Suceava.
Taking into consideration the data recorded during 2006-2009, the average adult stage from hibernate adult emergence
in G1, until to pontes depositing was on average 18 and 16 days. If in 2006-2008 duration of this phase do not differ
significantly between the two appearances of adults, in 2009 duration of the same stage was eight days longer in the
first phase compared to the second stage. This major difference can be attributed to the large number of days (ten) with
low temperatures.