dc.description.abstract |
In most of grassland
ecosystems used for grazing, a change of
flower composition took place, by invading
these areas with weeds that diminish their
economic value, both quantitatively and
qualitatively. One of the strategies of weed
control is using natural limitative factors,
which are pests and phytopathogenic agents.
Observations were carried out in 2009 on
two plots: the first plot situated near Iaşi –
Miroslava and the second plot situated near
Bârlad – Perieni, 100 km south from Iaşi.
The plots were invaded by Lepidium draba.
As a result of inventorying phytophagous
bodies of invasive plants in the grassland
ecosystems of the Central Moldavian
Plateau in 2008, we have shown that the
species belonged to orders Coleoptera,
Heteroptera, Homoptera, Diptera,
Lepidoptera and Acari. Among all these
species, as potential control agents of
Lepidium draba, having a high control rate,
there were Ceutorhynchus cardariae
Korotyaev, Psylliodes wrasei Leonardi and
Arnold., Aceria draba Nal. The signalled
micromycetes were Blumeria graminis,
found in Perieni (Vaslui) in common
meadow grass (Poa pratensis); Puccinia
coronifera f. sp. Lolii in Miroslava (Iaşi) in
raigrass (Lolium perenne); Puccinia poarum
in Perieni (Vaslui) in Poa pratensis;
Alternaria alternata was signalled in
whitetop (Lepidium draba), alfalfa
(Trifolium repens), orchardgrass (Dactylis
glomerata), raigras (Lolium perenne)
sampled in Perieni (Vaslui) on June 10,
2009 and Cladosporium herbarum found in
Lepidium draba and raigrass (Lolium
perenne) in Miroslava (Iaşi) on July 5, 2009
and in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) in Perieni
(Vaslui) on July 25, 2009. |
en_US |