During the research in Vasile Adamachi Iasi stationary were studied two
plum plantation, one represented by the Rivers early variety and other Stanley
varieties.To prepare the structure and ecological parameters representative
entomofauna of invertebrates from the plantation, were set six traps soil type Barber
and during the research were collected species belonging to the orders: Coleoptera
(Dermestes laniarius, Polydrosus amoenus, Tomoxia biguttata, Anisodactylus
binotatus, Harpalus distinguendus, Armadillidium vulgare, Galeruca pomonae,
Pseudophonus rufipes), Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, ants), Arahnida, Heteroptera
(Pyrhocorris sp.), Lepidoptera, Gastropoda (snails) and Isoptera. Larger
differences, appear significant from year to year which shows that the greatest
influence on entomofauna have in general environmental conditions from one year
to another in this case were very different.