With deforestation and employment in the agricultural cycle the forest soils begins another stage in its development.
But a great scientific interest presents the evolution of these soils in agriculture use under climatic conditions different
from those in which they were formed. To highlight and evaluate changes of arable gray forest soils propreties under
anthropogenic factor action, in order to develop and recommend a system of measures to minimize adverse
consequences and increasing production capacity of these soils while long-term preservation of their quality, in the
specific conditions of Moldova, we aimed to investigate changes occurred in the morphology, properties and the
elementary processes of gray forest soils (grayzems), employed in the agricultural cycle, in climatic conditions
favorable for the development of steppe vegetation and formation of chernozem on Ivancea village, Orhei district,
Moldova`s Codrii area. To achieve this research we investigated using the method of comparison grayzem under forest,
grayzem aside employed in agriculture about 100 years ago and grayzem that before being used systematically in
agriculture had a long period of development under steppe.