The maize crops have been
affected, in the range between seed
germination - plants appearing – the
development of the first 3 – 5 leave, by
larvae of Agriotes genus, the maize leaf
weevil (Tanymecus dilaticollis) and earth
fleas (Crepidodera sp.). For the prevention
and reduction of the groundside pests
attacks, at Agricultural Research and
Development Station (ARDS) of Secuieni,
Neamţ county, Romania, it has been
experienced a range of insecticides (Gaucho
600 FS – 6.0 l/t (STD), Poncho 600 FS – 9.0
l/t, Thiacloprid 400 FS- 20.0 l/t, Nuprid 600
FS – 6.0 l/t, Picus 600 FS – 6.0 l/t, Cosmos
500FS – 2.0 l/t şi 7.5 l/t) applied in the
treatment of maize grain. The experienced
insecticides have insured a good protection
of the plants against the larvae of Agriotes
genus; the percentage of the saved plants at
25 days of the emergence it was between
89% and 97% at the treated variants and
76% plants remainig at the untreated
variant; the differences with the percentage
of saved plants between the treated variants
and the untreated variant were very
significant. Regarding the degree of attack
produce by Tanymecus dilaticollis and
Crepidodera sp., between the treated
variants and the untreated variant there were
registered very significant negative
differences. The good protection insured by
the seed chemical treatment with the
experienced insecticides it positive
influence the maize production at hectare;
between the treated variants and the
untreated variant there were obtained very
significant production differences. The good
results obtained in the protection of maize
crops against the groundside pests they led
to the approval of the experienced
insecticides and to the recommendation to
use them in the large-scale production.