This paper is part of a GISbased
approach aiming to develop the map
of ecological suitability for grape growing
in Huşi wine-growing centre, Huşi vineyard
(Romania). The database underlying this
study includes ten climatic factors and
indicators that are considered to be defining
for the climatic suitability of a geographic
area. They are: solar radiation
(kcal/cm2/1.04-30.09), solar insolation
(hours/1.04-30.09), annual average
temperature (°C), the hottest month average
temperature (°C), the sum of fractions of
average daily temperatures above 10°C for
the period from 1st April to 30 September
(Σtu°C), average rainfall for the period from
1st April to 30 September (mm), the length
of bioactive period (mm), the heliothermal
index (IHr), the bioclimatic index (Ibcv) and
the index of oenoclimatic aptitude (IAOe).
The values of climatic factors were grouped
in three suitability classes, according to their
influence on the grapes quality for wine
grapes varieties, and included in a GIS
database that has been used to generate the
climatic suitability map of the wine-growing
centre. The GIS-based analysis shows that
76.29% of Huşi wine-growing centre area
has climatic potential for white qualitative
wines production, 16.95% for red table
wines production and 2.03% for white table
wines, sparkling wines and distillates. No
part of Huşi wine-growing centre has the
climatic potential to produce red quality