The subsistence agriculture that is still practiced by rural households remains very much under the influence of
traditionalism: crops include more or less cereals and field crops, while animal husbandry covers the needs of the
household.The development of the society and its demands, and the laws of the market economy, all call for the
reorientation of traditional agriculture. Thus, peasants should consider their households not only as food production
units, but also as a piece of land where business can be conducted. Depending on demand, on entrepreneurs’ courage
and even on their imagination, a plot of land may generate significant income from newly established and more
intensive activities: gardening, medicinal plants, ponds, traditional processing of agricultural products, agritourism
etc.We aim to provide a comparative assessment for two types of households: focused exclusively on agricultural
activity, possibly selling output on food markets in the county; engaged in agricultural activity and additional
agritourism/ rural tourism/ ecotourism (hotel, hostel) activities. For the designed scenario / model we analysed income
and expenditure patterns for: family wage income and self-consumption; farming activity; combined agritourism and
farming activities.