In the first years after the appearance of the Colorado potato beetle, the used insecticides were very efficiently, in most
countries this pest becoming of minor importance. The situation has changed dramatically in the mid-50s after
development of resistance phenomenon. Due to the use of more intense and in the same time the utilization of
increasing amounts of insecticides, have been observed negative side effects of chemical treatments. Because of this, in
recent years in the control schemes against the Colorado potato beetle it was included a number of biological products
that have a role just counteract the negative effects of synthetic insecticides. A number of commercial bioinsecticides
such as Laser 240 SC resulted in 100% mortality in few hours after application, NeemAzal T/S also causes higher
mortality than 80-90% and a strong ovicidal action. Even if some plant extracts are not like commercial bioinsecticides
or synthetic insecticides, they are a viable alternative to eradicate pests of potato crops.