Fertilization of turfgrasses is an important maintenance activity that influences the vigor and health of the grass plants.
Different types of fertilizers can be used for different purposes. Nitrogen based fertilizers with both slow release and
fast release nitrogen are the choice of managers who want to stimulate shoot growth and colour. Other fertilizers have
different combination of macro and microelements such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnezium, iron, sulfur
and so on. The choice of fertilizer is influenced mainly by rootzone but also by turfgrass functionality and the intensity
of management. In our study were analyzed the calcium and magnesium content in plant tissue in relation with
differentiated fertilization on three different turf mixtures under the influence of the pedoclimatic conditions in the NE
region of Romania. The first mixture (M1) was composed of Festuca arundinacea 80% + Lolium perenne 10% + Poa
pratensis 10%. The second mixture (M2) consisted of three varieties of Lolium perenne mixed in equal proportions. The
third mixture (M3) was composed of Festuca rubra 60% + Lolium perenne 20% + Festuca ovina duriusculla 10% +
Poa pratensis 10%. Three types of fertilizers were applied: ammonium nitrate, a complex fertilizer with nitrogen and
phosphorus and a commercial lawn fertilizer with macro and micronutrients. The experimental design was a split plot
design with three replicates. Statistical interpretation of the data was done by analyzes of variance and limit differences