The application of organic fertilizers for extended period of time has determined a high biodiversity of the
investigated grassland. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of sheep and cattle manure
application on grassland and the effect on phytodiversity of a Festuca valesiaca Schleich. Type association. A
high similarity appears by comparing the phytocenosis from V8 fertilization variant (30 t/ha cattle manure/3
year basis) and that of V9 fertilization variant (40 t/ha cattle manure/3 year basis) (T = 0.49176925, A = -
0.05105096), yet differences were not statistically signifficant. The phytocenosis from unfertilized variant
(V1), is largely dominated by grasses or Poaceae botanical family, with a dominance of 28% in the sward.
Within grasses, the species with the highest Adm value is Festuca valesiaca L. 15.5%, followed by
Arrhenatherum elatius L. 4% and Dactylis glomerata L. 1.3%