Aminoacids have an essential role in the fuction of the human metabolism. The most important essential aminoacids,
which are the main component of the proteins. There are 18 aminoacids designated as essential which can not be
synthesized in the human organism. This is why they should be asured via noutrishment.The amino acids essential are :
valine, leucine, isoleucine, phynilalanine, threonine, lysine, tryptofan, methionine, for the adults, and in the case of the
children it could added the glutamine and histidine. Amino acids are synthetized only by the vegetable, specially from
the grains. The level of amino acids are recommended by FAO and the assimilation of them are very important for the
organism. In this study I am watching by compare the level of amino acids from the flours obtaining from the wheat,
rye, corn, barley, buck-wheat, rice, soya beans, lentil, peas, which give us the safety of food of people in N-E Region
of Romania