Climate changes and their impact on vineyards represent an extremely important issue for the researchers in various
fields of activity. These changes are interesting for the specialists in the vine industry as the vineyards producing quality
wines are extremely sensitive to any pedoclimatic changes. The general warming of the clime has disturbed the
evolution of natural factors in the grapevine ecosystems: summers have become wormer and droughtier every year,
autumns have become longer, winters shorter and rarely excessive, while drought periods have become more frequent
and the damp ones excessively rainy. Global warming has severely disrupted the grapevine ecosystems, grapevine
varieties being forced to modify their annual vegetation cycle, the consequences on the quality and the quantity of grape
and wine production being most often negative. This paper consists in the study of the eco-physiological reaction of
some grapevine varieties to the climatic conditions induced by global warming at Cotnary vineyard, the evaluation
being based on the dynamics of foliar, photosynthetic and flavonoid pigments which were used as indicators for
photosynthesis and stress resistance processes.