This paper presents the
provisional results of the studies on the
selection of most suitable yeast strains in a
lot of 84 strains from Iasi vineyard- Copou
wine centre, in order to be used for
sparkling wine production. For achieving
this objective, we used at first an initial test
for checking the fermentation features of
yeast strains, with the following targets:
foaming ability, evolution in time
(triggering, finish) of fermentation process’
stages. We selected 27 from the 84 yeast
strains. In the second test for checking
fermentation features, conducted in the
laboratory and using fermentation tanks of
10 litters, we checked the selected strains’
ability to stick or not to the walls of the
fermentation tanks, the formation of
granular or compact yeast deposits, the
ability to completely ferment sugars from
must and the property not to produce
hydrogen sulphide. For this test we selected
14 strains from the 27 yeast strains, in
particular: two strains MNF1 and MNC3 for
producing the basic wine and 10 yeast
strains MNF4, MNF8, MNF11, MNF9,
MNC9, MNC12, MNC13, MNO4, MNO14
and MNO16 for the second fermentation in