In this paper are presented several new aspects related to the effects of fragipanization phenomenon on
pedogeochemical processes in particular case of soils from protected areas (greenhouses and solariums). A special
attention was paid to dynamic evolution of macro- and micro-elements in conditions of soils from protected areas,
affected by fragipanization phenomenon, and to the correlation between these and pedogeochemical segregation and
salinization processes. In addition, were highlighted a number of issues relating to the conditions of emergence and
dynamics of the frangipane in soils from protected areas. The fragipane represents both a degradation phenomenon and
an initiator for soil degradation phenomena. The formation of fragipane horizons is directly correlated with the
apparition and development of pedogeochemical segregation, compaction and salinization processes that have strong
negative influence on pedological and agrochemical characteristics of soils. The impacts fragipane is highlights, in
general, by: (i) the discontinuity of water circulation in the soil profile, (ii) contrasting physico-chemical conditions
between the upper and lower horizons, (iii) particular and atypical evolutions of the organic matter dynamics, speciation
processes and inter-phase distribution of macro- and micro-elements etc., (iv) simultaneously with the formation
horizons fragipane (emphasis segregation pedogeochimice) are rapidly degraded the physical-chemical and
agrochemical characteristics of soils, with negative effects on their productivity and quality of obtained agricultural