A field experiment was
conducted on sorghum (Sorghum bicolor
(L.) Moench cv.) under three cutting system
to determine the effect of nitrogen on
growth and yield at University of
Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan, during the
season 2010-2011. The experiment was laid
out in Randomized Complete Block Design
(RCBD), using three replications. There
were four levels of nitrogen 0, 50, 75 and
100 kg N/acre in the form of urea. The
growth parameters like plant height, number
of leaves, leaf area is determined
periodically. First reading taken after 20
days of sowing while second and third was
taken after 15 days of first cutting. Yield
parameter like plant population, fresh and
dry weight was determined in three cuttings.
Results showed that increasing nitrogen
dose increased all growth attributes. Results
revealed for first, second and third cuttings
showed significant differences at all growth
attributes. Thus, the maximum plant height
was observed in N4 (100 kg N/acre), having
plant height 193.92, 195.24 and 192.79 cm
in first, second and third cutting,
respectively, which was followed by the
treatment N3 (75 kg N/acre), having 179.70
cm in first cutting, while second and third
cutting have same plant height 168.62 cm.
The exception was the plant population
showed non significant behavior in second
and third cutting while number of leaves per
plant in second cutting only and protein %
in third cutting showed non significant
difference with nitrogen application.