The using of remote sensing became, in the last few years, something usual and it isn't considered a new technology
anymore. We started from the desire to contribute, using modern methods, to the development of the oldest branch of
the world's economy. We studied some ways of evaluating the crops at a certain point in time through remote sensing
methods, putting an accent on descovering the origin and the justification of the occuring problems. We analized
satellite imagery of some areas of the studied farm during a whole year and we generated a database containing
correlations between the health of the crop fields for specific plants and the spectral response recorded in the satellite
multi-band image. In the following year the crops would be evaluated only by studying the current satellite images. The
result would be the creation of an Agricultural Geographic Information System. We used the same projection system
throughout the study - Stereographical 1970, fact that allows the rapid localization in the crop fields of the areas in the
analized satellite image.