The paper presents aspects of the following activity, through topographic methods, of the behavior in time of one
constructions with structure made of concrete and masonry, namely: the administrativ building of the S.C. ARGOS
S.R.L. from Cluj – Napoca standing on the Onisifor Ghibu street. In this case the cause that engendered the appearance
of manifestations in the buildings was the existence of an underground gap below the construction or in near proximity.
In this case, because the volume of the gap created throughout the realization of the collector Channel for the household
waters was not big (diameter in light of 2,15m), the manifestations emerged during the execution of the channel ended
with the finalizing of the works in the area of the administrative building of the S.C. ARGOS S.R.L and
reestablishment of a new state of equilibrium of the terrain in the respective area.