A new complex compound,
Polyel, which contains thiourea, macroand
microelements in the form of salts and
coordination complexes, as well as
vitamins, was obtained and tested.
Biological tests were performed in
laboratory experiments and in the
vegetation complex of the Institute of
Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection.
As subjects of investigations served the
plants Glycine max (Merr) cultivars L.
‘Deia’, ‘Moldovița’, and ‘Enigma’
varieties, grown in the Mitcherlih
vegetation pots with a volume of 40 kg
soil and exposed to the drought stress at
the phase "flowering - pods formation”.
The beneficial effect of Polyel on
antioxidant protection systems by reducing
the accumulation of malondialdehyde
(MDA) and intensifying the activity of
antioxidant protection enzymes has been
established. Polyel has been shown to be
one of the new biologically active
chemicals that can be used in agriculture
to reduce the negative impact of oxidative
stress caused by reactive oxygen species
(ROS). The use of Polyel as a
physiologically active substance (PAS)
with antioxidant proprieties for pretreatment
of seeds and foliar apparatus is
much more effective under moderate
drought conditions.