Meadows, pastures and hayfields in the Republic of Moldova are considered the vulnerable zones within which
indicators are exceeded systematic environmental quality compared to standardized norms, causing serious damage to
the state's environmental consequences. Area of spontaneous grassland is growing, while arable land and permanent
crops decreased. This increase was mainly the failure to culture of arable land, which was abandoned after 1990.
Another cause, which led to changes in grazing areas, it is the property. Pastures are not privatized, they are in public
ownership. In the 1995 the owned privately pasture area made up 58300 ha, in 2012 - 2100 ha. Forage production
consists: 5% - production of grasslands, 95% - production of cereals, legumes, secondary production of agricultural
plants. The main cereal crops and legumes used as animal feed are winter barley, oats, mixed cereals crops, grain
legumes, and fodder vetch. From 1980 until 1992 the main production of forage crops – maize, silage and green fodder,
sugar beet fodder had a significant increase, and after 1992 - a considerable decreased. Currently, the sown annual and
multiannual grasses surfaces in the all categories decreased by 6 times, compared with 1990. In recent years there is a
trend of growth the annual and perennial grasses surfaces, but this area does not cover the needs of the country in feed
because yields are very low. Reducing the areas of grassland and forage crops will lead to further degradation of soils
and environment.