Overall marks express the general architecture firm / organization / company relates to the market. There are four major
types of architecture marks (Aaker, D., 2002) from the company / organization / company which is an umbrella for
many brands for several companies operating until the company / organization / company itself which is a brand. Each
of these four types of architecture, brand, brings benefits and risks with major implications for the survival of the
market that brand because the brand can not be separated from the company in view of customers, it can affect the
relationship with the consumers. Companies can change or modify the architecture brands by market requirements or
when they deem it necessary. At the same time must remain open and flexible to the needs of consumers and brands to
create new architectures more efficient and imaginative designs using different techniques. Most models for the analysis
of portfolios of activities of firms have a number of limitations, which have prompted experts to challenge their
practical relevance and applicability in a competitive environment imperfect and unstable, as in most markets. There are
experts who believe that it is undeniable contribution of these methods to create a competitive analysis and decision
algorithm and combat these methods do not understand the mission they have. The model asset portfolio analysis of a
company can be in practice strategic benchmarks against which identifies concrete action directions competition but
have a very mechanistic view of the competitive game and possible policy options.