The aim of the paper is to improve the autochthonous sweet cherry
assortment with new cultivars with late maturation and high quality fruits. The
sweet cherry assortment from Romania contains many cultivars with maturation in
the medium season. The current tendency is to create a balance by reducing the
number of the cultivars with medium season maturation and by increasing the
number of the cultivars with very early and late season maturation. Analyzing the
main phenological stages for the two cultivars it was noticed that the new sweet
cherry cultivar ‘Coralis’ is late both for the beginning of flowering time and for
fruits maturation. Regarding the average productions on four years (2011-2014)
from the statistical point of view, ‘Coralis’ cultivar (20.0 kg/tree) recorded positive
production differences compared to the control cultivar (19.8 kg/tree). Under the
aspect of fruits weight and equatorial diameter ‘Coralis’ (9.1 g and 24.7 mm)
recorded significant differences and distinct positive significant differences
compared to the control cultivar (6.9 g and 21.8 mm)