Brassica napus is consider to be one of world’s important oil crops which provides not only the edible oil for human
consumption but also the protein rich feed for animals and raw materials for industrial processes such as biodiesel
production. The aim of our study was to indentify some new resistant sources of oilseed rape with resistance to
Verticillium longisporum disease. For this as biological material we used of 65 oilseeds rape cultivars. To obtain the
phenotypic data regarding the V. longisporum resistance, all cultivars were artificial inoculated with the pathogen in
laboratory. After the artificial infection, it was observed a large variation of resistance to V. longisporum among the
tested cultivars. We obtained 15 cultivars which showed a higher resistance to the pathogen than the control variant
Express which is tolerant to the disease. For the molecular studies, we used 50 SSR markers which were chosen from
previous studies. Using the genotypic data obtained with the SSR analysis and the phenotypic data represented by the
AUDPC values resulted after the artificial infection of the each cultivar, we identified a QTL for resistance to V.
longisporum. The QTL was localized on the first chromosome (LG group 1) with a LOD valued of 3,4 and a phenotypic
variation (R2
) of 11,4%. The results from this study are the first step in the investigation of the genetic basis of currently
available resistance sources.