The soil micromycetes are important biological agents for soil structure and an active compartment of soil organic
matter. The main objective of this study was to isolate and identify the main genres of saprophytes and parasites
micromycetes that colonize the experimental land of Ezareni farm. The analysed soil type is a poorly degraded cambic
chernozem. The research was conducted during the autumn of 2012 - autumn of 2013.
Nine genres of saprophytes and parasites micromycetes were isolated from the soil samples. The results of the analyses
performed on soil fungal genera indicated the presence of Sporotrichum, Trichoderma, Mucor, Zygorhynchus,
Penicillium, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Rhizopus and Alternaria. From the isolated micromycetes the greatest
preponderance was held by Penicillum, the medium concentrations were held by Fusarium, Sporotrichum, Alternaria,
Aspergillus, Rhizopus and the reduced ones were held by Zygorhynchus, Mucor and Trichoderma. The relatively high
number of isolated fungal genera and their increased levels illustrate the fact that the soil type could be considered a
good environment for developing micromycetes