The strategy of adopting a balanced fertilization system is an essential
condition in the normal course of growth and development processes of vines, being
reflected in the level and quality of crops. Starting from the fertility status of the soil,
together with the foliar diagnosis and in accordance with a series of other factors that
interfere, the setting of doses of NPK fertilizers and reports, all these are a priority.
The paper examines the impact of two types of complex fertilizers, Cx 15-15-15 and Cx
5-15-25, phasally administered in varying doses on the accumulation of nutrients in
the plant and on the production. The assortment Cx 15-15-15 in the dose of 200 kg /
ha, achieved optimal content of nitrogen, phosphorus and total potassium in plants at
optimal levels, of 2,7 % Nt , 0,23 % Pt and 1,4 % Kt and production increases of 1360
kg / ha, compared to the unfertilized control