Plum plantations are attacked by various species of sucking pests (aphids gray of plum, plum testaceous aphid) which
together with direct damage get dirty with sugary excrements all external organs in which develops various fungi of the
genus Capnodium, that cover organs attacked with an layer of fumagine. A good part of these pests serve as vectors in
the transmission and spread of various viral diseases. From pest defoliators most common are: leaf plum moth, hairy
caterpillar of oak, caterpillar with three tufts of yellow hairs, moths carnation leaf-rollers, etc. But the most dangerous
are considered carpofagi pests whose larvae attack the fruits in which outgrowth galleries destroying the pulp and seeds.
Following the attack the fruits presents galleries with excrements and abrasions. Among the most common and
damaging species of plum fruits are black wasp and wasp yellow of plum, plum seed wasp, worm plum and oriental
fruit moth.