The genus Tagetes (Asteraceae) comprises species with a wide arrays of uses.
Previous studies have been focused on the distribution of flavonoids in the genus but
little has been done on the identification of the sesquiterpenlactones in the medicinal,
cosmetic and aromatic species. The significance of the distribution and accumulation
of this compound thorough the plant is not yet clear. In the current study, the
alantolactone content of aerial parts of Tagetes erecta was investigated, during
budding and full flowering stages. The TLC and HPLC methods confirmed the
presence of alantolactones, greater in budding stage sampes than in full flowering
ones (0.2309 μg % in buds, 0.5097 μg % in leaves). The fertilized plant inflorescences
contain greater amounts of studied metabolites than unfertilized plants. The leaves
content is not influenced by fertilization. The presence of this metabolite alerts to the
allergenic potential of plant, especially in budding stage