Show simple item record Ștefan, Diana 2022-01-12T08:49:15Z 2022-01-12T08:49:15Z 2016
dc.identifier.citation Stefan Diana. 2016. "The space of human needs". Lucrări Știinţifice USAMV – Iași Seria Horticultură, 59(1) : 169-176.
dc.identifier.issn 2069-8275
dc.description.abstract Considering man the centre of the universe, the only reference system, all aspects of life grows with it, nothing is static. Starting from this premise the study aims to answer this question: What should we consider the act of conception of space given the characteristics of perception? The study argument is constructed mainly from a psychological point of view through perception characteristics and its affective factors, and never the less through the hierarchical model of human needs that Maslow developed. The scientific literature examines the qualities of space that make it close to the individual and the space features compliant with the pyramid of human needs. These can be summarized in five major generic categories image, readability, mobility, adaptability, and complexity. By joining and combining studies underpinning this paper the author seeks to develop a set of steps necessary in the conception act. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași en_US
dc.subject needs en_US
dc.subject perception en_US
dc.subject successful space en_US
dc.subject nevoi en_US
dc.subject percepţie en_US
dc.subject spaţiu semnificativ en_US
dc.title The space of human needs en_US
dc.title.alternative Spaţiul nevoilor umane en_US
dc.type Article en_US D. Stefan, University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
dc.publicationName Lucrări Știinţifice USAMV – Iași Seria Horticultură
dc.volume 59
dc.issue 1
dc.publicationDate 2016
dc.startingPage 169
dc.endingPage 176

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