Practical results, obtained in the SC Leoser SA, are presented,
replace chemical control with biological control. Thanks to the technology of
cultivation substrate "coco peat" and "rockwool", there are no problems of soil
pests (wireworms, white worms, gray worms). In recent years we have
successfully used products: NESIDIOcontrol (Nesidiocoris tenuis)
MACROcontrol (Macrolophus pygmaeus), SWIRScontrol (Amblyseius swirskii)
ENCARcontrol (Encarsia formosa), APHIcontrol (Aphidius coleman)
PHYTOcontrol (Phytoseiulus persimilis) DIGLYcontrol (Diglyphus isaea)
ORIcontrol & MAJUScontrol (Orius laevigatus and O. mayusculus)
MONcontrol (Amblyseius montdorensis). Evolution of main pests are presented
corelated with biological control measures. Tuta absoluta was successfully
controled by mass capture and killing using pheromone traps. The evolution of
pest flight expressed by the number of males captured/trap is presented.
Presented technology has shown non negative influence on the use of
bumblebees for pollination. In case of punctual situation, appearance of
problems due to pests, was imposed application of pesticides.