This paper aims to provide basic information on the honey market in Romania during the 1962 to 2011. This objective
involves determining demand, supply and prices at which the honey is sold on internal market and to export. The
research method consists of in the statistical analysis of information obtained from the main international and national
databases. The total number of bee families registered in Romania during 1962 to 2011 was about 961 000 with about
726 000 in 1962 and 1,275 mil. in 2011. The offer of honey of Romanian market in 1962 was about 4600 tons with an
increase of 7070 tons between the 1962 and 2011, higher during 1962 to 1990 when were recorded 5140 tons, against
an increase of 1930 tons between 1991 to 2011. Demand for honey between the 1962 to 2011 was 8,188 tons, with 0.19
kg / person and an evolution from 0,28 kg / pers between the 1962 to 1966 to 0.56 kg / person between the 2007 to
2011. The average price for honey within the studied period was 3,13 $ / kg obtained according to a fixed price of 2,50
$ / kg in 1962 and a market price of $ 6.21 / kg in 2011.