The land and water pollution is very frequently encountered. The Black Smith Institute of New York comes out that
there are the most polluted places in the world. Hierarchy criteria for creating the rank with the most polluted places
were: the number of the people affected the toxicity of the agents and the evidence regarding the health problems
caused by pollution in a certain area. The objective of this work is to identify points of view regarding heavy metal
pollution as well as providing details on environmental technologies on the rehabilitation of contaminated sites, like
GEOLIFE technology. We offered some examples about plants that could be used as bioindicators for soil pollution and
about the consequences of the pollution of marine ecosystems by heavy metals, from the Black Sea Coast. The
treatment of the contaminated water with ecological product PETROLSYNTH generates rapid decomposition of the
existent contaminants, the removal of the existent materials, the appearance of vegetal algae immediately after the
treatment, immediate application of the treatment, low costs in order to apply the treatment.