This article presents the change while following the right bank of the Prut River from territorial administrative unit of
the Prisacani commune - Iasi County in the period 1985 - 2015, caused by erosion / deposition of sediments, highlighted
by comparing the ground surface modification of Prisacani Territorial Administrative Unit (TAU) in the observed
period of time. The reference terrain of Prisacani TAU was considered the one defined by the territorial-administrative
boundary during the last cadastral demarcation and the cadastral right bank of the Prut river digitized on topographic
maps at 1:25000 scale edited in 1985. The reference terrain of Prisacani TAU used to conduct the comparative study
was determined on the basis of administrative territorial limits and the right bank of the Prut river, digitized based on
the LANDSAT TM and ETM + satellite records dated 17 August 2000, 13 August 2010 and 4 March 2015. The surface
comparison method allows not only to highlight and to measure separately the erosion and the sediment deposition for
the entire study area, but also to view, to draft thematic maps and to analyze these phenomena.