In the researches conducted in the period 2012-2014, it noticed the influence of sowing density and fertilization
influence on grain production of faba bean seed (Vicia faba L. var. major. Harz) under the mountain area conditions of
the county Suceava. The researches were conducted at the Agricultural Research Center of Pojorâta (which it focused
foothill and mountain areas of Bucovina Obcine), on lytic alluvial soil pH (water) 5.1, 2.9 humus content, phosphorus
(PAL) 45 ppm potassium (KAL) 80.5 ppm, the degree of base saturation (V) 57.1 and nitrogen index (IN) 2.18. It
followed in a bifactorial experience of type 2 x 7, the influence of sowing density with two graduations (20 grains
and 40 bg/m2
) and fertilization with seven graduations (unfertilized, 40N, 60P2O5, 40N60P2O5,
40N60P2O560K2O, 40t/ha manure 40t/ha manure + 40P2O5). Analyzing the average for the three research years it
showed that at the faba bean from major variety, the most effective sowing density is 40 g.s. /m2
, when it could
achieve, productions up to 4000 kg/ha, that combined administration of fertilizers with nitrogen and phosphorus
achieved yield increases distinct significantly and through applying of manure at a dose of 40 t/ha and at the density of
40 g.s. / m2 it could be achieved yield increases, very substantial.