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  • Harja, Maria; Ciocinta, Ramona-Carla; Ondrasek, Gabrijel; Bucur, Daniel; Dirja, Marcel (MDPI, 2023-02-15)
    This study aimed to analyse the bioaccumulation of heavy metal ions in plants of spontaneous flora. An urban area was established from which soil samples were taken and analyses were performed on the content of heavy metal ...
  • Paraschiv, Luminița-Nicoleta; Răus, Lucian; Bolohan, Diana-Elena; Chelariu, Elena-Liliana; Avarvarei, Bogdan-Vlad; Volf, Mariana (University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, 2023)
    The research focused on the analysis of the impact of these macroelements, used in different doses and ratios, on the accumulations in the plant and on the production quality, respectively on the varied acidity of Fetească ...
  • Buema, Gabriela; Harja, Maria; Lupu, Nicoleta; Chiriac, Horia; Forminte, Loredana; Ciobanu, Gabriela; Bucur, Daniel; Bucur, Roxana-Dana (MDPI, 2021-01-16)
    The initial characteristics of Romanian fly ash from the CET II Holboca power plant show the feasibility of its application for the production of a new material with applicability in environmental decontamination. The ...
  • Radu, Steluța; Cojocaru, Elena; Cojocaru, Cristi; Lupu, Diana-Elena (Mattioli 1885, 2021-10-07)
    Council Directive 2001/110 / EC (1) defines honey as the sweet natural substance produced by Apis mellifera bees. Honey contains especially different types of sugars, especially fructose and glucose, as well as other ...
  • Coroi Cara, Irina-Gabriela; Țopa, Denis-Constantin; Calistru, Anca-Elena; Motrescu, Iuliana; Bulgariu, Laura; Jităreanu, Gerard ("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, 2020)
    The contamination of aquatic and terrestrial environments by pesticides is highlighted by their possible toxic properties and poor biodegradability on the environment. The development of low cost by products from agricultural ...
  • Dumitriu Gabur, Georgiana-Diana; Teodosiu, Carmen; Gabur, Iulian; Cotea, Valeriu V.; Peinado, Rafael Andres; López de Lerma, Nieves (MDPI, 2021-03-11)
    In this study, a complete physical–chemical analysis was performed for Feteasca neagra wine, aged with oak staves. Red wine samples were taken from grape varieties grown in Northeast Romania and produced during 2013 ...
  • Coca, Oana; Creangă, Diana-Elena; Viziteu, Ștefan; Brumă, Ioan-Sebastian; Ștefan, Gavril (MDPI, 2023-03-03)
    In the context of the increase in energy prices and, as a consequence, on other inputs on the global and European market, the study aims to analyze the performance of the European Union’s agriculture through the lens of ...
  • Tudor, Valentina-Constanța; Smedescu, Dragoș; Vlad, Ionela-Mituko; Dumitru, Eduard-Alexandru; Ungureanu, George; Jităreanu, Andy-Felix; Robu, Alexandru-Dragoș; Costuleanu, Carmen-Luiza (2022)
    The collection and recycling of plastics, in which crop protection products are stored, has become a priority both in the European Union and at the national level. Therefore, a whole series of projects have been initiated ...
  • Bolohan, Diana-Elena; Volf, Mariana; Chelariu, Elena-Liliana; Răus, Lucian (University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Buchares, 2023)
    The paper presents how the soil fertilization with NPK in different doses and combined with two types of foliar fertilizers, applied to an apple tree orchard, changes the potassium content in soil and leaves. For a better ...
  • Rațu, Roxana-Nicoleta; Veleșcu, Ionuț-Dumitru; Stoica, Florina; Usturoi, Alexandru; Arsenoaia, Vlad-Nicolae; Crivei, Ioana-Cristina; Postolache, Alina-Narcisa; Lipșa, Florin-Daniel; Filipov, Feodor; Florea, Andreea-Mihaela; Chițea, Mihai-Alexandru; Brumă, Ioan-Sebastian (MDPI, 2023-08-04)
    Every year, the global food industry produces a significant number of wastes and by-products from a variety of sources. By-products from the food-processing sector are produced in large quantities, and because of their ...
  • Vodă, Ana-Iolanda; Florea, Nelu; Ciulu, Ruxandra; Costuleanu, Carmen-Luiza; Grădinaru, Camelia (2022)
    Given the importance of the digitalization of education, especially in the context of the worldwide outbreak of Covid-19, this paper focuses on the main directions for action necessary in developing and implementing a ...
  • Simioniuc, Dănuț-Petru; Simioniuc, Violeta; Țopa, Denis-Constantin; Van den Berg, Merlijn; Prins, Udo; Bebeli, Penelope J.; Gabur, Iulian (MDPI, 2021-02-13)
    Spring frost poses a challenge for all major crops and, in the case of Lupinus mutabilis (Andean lupin) can cause severe damage or even total loss of the crop. Within the LIBBIO project consortium, we conducted a series ...
  • Brumă, Ioan-Sebastian; Vasiliu, Codrin-Dinu; Rodino, Steliana; Butu, Marian; Tanasă, Lucian; Doboș, Sebastian; Butu, Alina; Coca, Oana; Ștefan, Gavril (MDPI, 2021-03-11)
    In Romania, there is an emerging market of dairy products delivered through short food supply chains. Although this distribution system has existed since the communist period, and even though more than three decades have ...
  • Nenciu, Florin; Fătu, Viorel; Arsenoaia, Vlad-Nicolae; Perșu, Cătălin; Voicea, Iulian; Vlăduț, Nicolae-Valentin; Matache, Mihai-Gabriel; Găgeanu, Iuliana; Marin, Eugen; Biriș, Sorin-Ștefan; Ungureanu, Nicoleta (MDPI, 2023-04-19)
    In the context of agricultural soil degradation caused by the extensive use of chemical amendments, ecological alternatives with minimal detrimental impact on ecosystems are gaining popularity. Recent advancements in ...
  • Coroi Cara, Irina-Gabriela; Țopa, Denis-Constantin; Puiu, Ioan; Jităreanu, Gerard (MDPI, 2022-09-30)
    Soil pesticide contamination induced by modern agriculture has become a serious global issue. Its uncontrolled and inefficient application is among the main reasons for their enrichment in plants and animals subsequently ...
  • Șenilă, Lăcrimioara; Kovacs, Eniko; Scurtu, Daniela-Alexandra; Cadar, Oana; Becze, Anca; Șenilă, Marin; Levei, Erika-Andrea; Dumitraș, Diana-Elena; Țenu, Ioan; Roman, Cecilia (MDPI, 2020-06-03)
    In this paper, the production of a second-generation bioethanol from lignocellulosic vineyard cutting wastes was investigated in order to define the optimal operating conditions of the autohydrolysis pretreatment, chlorite ...
  • Pădureanu, Silvica; Patraș, Antoanela (MDPI, 2022-06-06)
    The winemaking waste (grape marc) can be beneficial if it is used in food, pharmaceutical industry, and medicine. However, studies reported that some concentrations of grape marc extracts may induce negative effects on ...
  • Șenilă, Lăcrimioara; Țenu, Ioan; Cârlescu, Petru-Marian; Scurtu, Daniela-Alexandra; Kovacs, Eniko; Șenilă, Marin; Cadar, Oana; Roman, Marius; Dumitraș, Diana-Elena; Roman, Cecilia (MDPI, 2022-02-27)
    The large amount of biomass waste generated by vineyard pruning causes many environmental concerns. The production of briquettes represents an alternative to obtaining a value-added product. The transformation of vineyard ...
  • Postolache, Alina-Narcisa; Veleșcu, Ionuț-Dumitru; Stoica, Florina; Crivei, Ioana-Cristina; Arsenoaia, Vlad-Nicolae; Usturoi, Marius-Giorgi; Constantinescu Pop, Cristina-Gabriela; Lipșa, Florin-Daniel; Frunză, Gabriela; Simeanu, Daniel; Rațu, Roxana-Nicoleta (MDPI, 2023-12-04)
    The world-wide-dispersed Rhododendron is a tiny, evergreen plant with vivid red or pale pink blossoms that is a member of the Ericaceae family and is well-known for its stunning flowers. To improve yogurt’s nutritional ...
  • Judele, Loredana; Proaspăt, Eduard; Teodorescu, Răzvan-Ionuț; Lepădatu, Daniel; Bucur, Daniel (MDPI, 2023-10-31)
    Waste has become an everyday subject, especially its efficient recycling due to the increasing decline in the planet’s primary resources. Therefore, their recovery is intended to be total and with minimal energy consumption. ...