Sectors of activity represents an important landmark for the economy and its characterization. The predominant
activities in a sector of activity shows the State of the economy and on the other hand the standard of living. Dynamics
of economic activities and consolidated are designed to highlight the strength of community development and the
creation of a competitive environment from the economic point of view to determine the development of the rural-urban
relationship for the purposes of capitalization of economic resources. Labour force represents a significant indicator to
observe the diversification of economic activities, basic economic sector developed, integrating the active population
for economic development and competitiveness of the sectors. The workforce consists of both active population,
employment, or number of employees. The analysis in this study is focused on the number of employees because it
highlights a situation relevant to the dynamics of the sectors of activity. Economic competitiveness must be determined
in order to fulfill the objective of the European Union and to increase the standard of living of each community in view
of reducing enter county