ALSERepository of Iași University of Life Sciences, ROMANIA

The effect of the treatment with NAD and ANA based product on the productivity and quality of large fruit

Show simple item record Peșteanu, A. 2021-07-08T10:13:35Z 2021-07-08T10:13:35Z 2018
dc.identifier.citation Pesteanu A. 2018. "The effect of the treatment with NAD and ANA based product on the productivity and quality of large fruit". Lucrări Știinţifice USAMV – Iași Seria Horticultură, 61(1): 149-154.
dc.identifier.issn 2069-8275
dc.description.abstract he study subject of the experience was Idared apple variety grafted on M9,trees were trained as slender spindlesfordistance 3.5 x 0.8m. To studyinfluenceof growth regulator Auxiger (NAD –1.5 g/L+ ANA –0.6 g/L) on average weight of fruits, fruit production and fruit size were experimented the following variants of treatment: 1.Control –without treatment; 2. Auxiger, 0.9L/ha; 3. Auxiger, 1.8L/ha. Growth regulator wassprayed one time, during the period of intensivefruit growing, when the fruits diameter was 22-25 mm (09.06.16). The research was conducted during the period of 2016year. In the present research work, we demonstrated that Auxiger increase average weight of fruits, fruit production and fruit size and may be included in the technology systemfor cultivation of apple, applied onesprayat 1.8 L/hawhen the fruits diameter was 22-25 mm. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași en_US
dc.subject apple en_US
dc.subject growth regulator en_US
dc.subject production en_US
dc.subject color en_US
dc.subject măr en_US
dc.subject regulator de creştere en_US
dc.subject producţie en_US
dc.subject culoare en_US
dc.title The effect of the treatment with NAD and ANA based product on the productivity and quality of large fruit en_US
dc.title.alternative Efectul tratării cu produsul pe bază de NAD şi ANA asupra productivităţii şi calităţii fructelor de măr en_US
dc.type Article en_US A. Pesteanu, State Agricultural University of Moldova, Chişinău,Republic of Moldova
dc.publicationName Lucrări Știinţifice USAMV – Iași Seria Horticultură
dc.volume 61
dc.issue 1
dc.publicationDate 2018
dc.startingPage 149
dc.endingPage 154

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